Monday, January 23, 2012

How Come the psycic in the 1st jeepers creepers says trish is going to die yet darry gets his eyes ripped out?

also, how come trish doesnt try to find darry? she doesnt even cry when he is taken away. i cried and im not even related to "Darry"

How Come the psycic in the 1st jeepers creepers says trish is going to die yet darry gets his eyes ripped out?
he could smell the fear in her thats why he picked him no fear
Reply:She doesnt necessarily say that Trish is gonna die. When they are in the police station she's telling them more about their future and as she's telling them she just looks at Trish but all this time, the signs were pointing to Darry dying because of the creature sniffing his clothes and wanting to take him and not his sister.

...the movie was funny, but you could see a lot of stuff that just looked MAD fake!
Reply:I think you're putting way too much thought into this movie.

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