Monday, January 30, 2012

Maintenance for Ipomoea coccinea 'Red Cardinal'?

Bought this strange looking creeper during the summer at a garden centre - has very fine, forked leave and red tubular flowers. Unexpected cold weather killed most of it before i brought it indoors. Have managed to encourage some new growth at the base, but half of that died recently. Any tips on keeping it going until the summer? thanks

Maintenance for Ipomoea coccinea 'Red Cardinal'?
It is called "cypress vine" here in SC and grows wild. It is a climber that will take full sun to part shade. It is a prolific seed producer, and can become quite invasive. Iif you can collect seeds they start easily in a sunny, south window in about 7-10 days. I'll send you some of my seeds if you like. Contact my Avatar.

As for the one you are trying to save, keep it evenly moist, not wet, allow it to climb (I've seen them all the way up telephone poles) and place it in a south window. You may water it with a mild solution of fertilizer. I use Miracle Gro 1/4 tsp per gallon of water....sorry don't know the metric equivalents. good luck
Reply:I've a feeling that this plant is an annual (ie only lives one year) so the only way to have it again next year without buying a new one is to collect seed from it if it has set any. Even then no guarantee that the seed will be fertile or that they will produce plants the same as yours as it may be a hybrid (a cross between 2 varieties and the seed from it could favour one or other of the varieties that the parent plant was bred from).

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