Friday, January 27, 2012

For people who despise Carrie Underwood only.What kind of carnivorous creature(s) should eat her?

Only my fellow Carrie Underwood Hating Lions answer. If you like her go to question or make up your own.


Grizzly Bear

Bull Shark


The Predator

African Lion

Mountain Lion



Sheolb from Lord Of The Rings

Fire Ants

A Basilisk

An Anaconda

A Zombie

The Blob

Denebian Sand Devil

The Sarlac

The Creeper


The Baby Godzillas

Scotty Tinnerman

The Aliens

mutated gerbils

The Streptococus Pyogenis bacteria

Other you name

As I said no Underwood apologist allowed. Let us who dont like her have our fun.I'll never like her so get over it and stop trying to convert those of us who think she stinks into liking that stinkweed.

For people who despise Carrie Underwood only.What kind of carnivorous creature(s) should eat her?
all of them get a serving. XD

Reply:all of them + 5 billion great white sharks :)
Reply:Mountain Lion

they tend to tear on flesh, more. =)
Reply:I like this question:

how about some ill-tempered sea bass?



flesh eating scarabs



A pack of wangdoodles %26amp; rotten Vermicious Knids
Reply:lol....all the answers are so amusing!!
Reply:A spinosaurus could tear that ****** to shreads!
Reply:looks like someone hasn't been taking there medicine like their suppose to be?.......
Reply:Sheolb because I have to answer you. And now my comment. You put way too much time into this. You need more things to fill up your day.
Reply:Put her in a blender and make a smoothie for everyone, they could all take body shots off the zombie.
Reply:Are you Faith Hill?...Whats to hate beatch..she took your award because she earned it..grow up.
Reply:Is Simon carnivorous?

Rubber Slippers

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