Monday, January 30, 2012

Should I go out with him?

Okay, so there is this boy at my school that likes me. I'm not sure if I should go out with him or not. He is nice, and kinda funny, but he can be a little weird at times. I've been thinking about going out with him, but I'm not sure if I really like him though. I almost feel like I'm lowering my standards for him. Also, I know that a couple of my friends totally hate him, and think he is a creeper. Dx But, I've been putting some real thought about going out with him, so should I? Is it wrong of me to care what my friends think?

Should I go out with him?
Don't listen to your friends, be yourself. Thats what everyone is going to tell you.

BUT, thats not how I feel. I think your friend's opinons matter too. Of course, if you know that he's a total jerk, but your friends like him, don't go out with him. Ask your friends why they don't like him and maybe if you find out, you'll feel the same way, or you might actually want to go out with this guy. However, to go out with a guy, I think you should really like him, which is not how you feel. If he's that nice, then maybe you should just give hima chance, what could it hurt? After everything is said and done, I suggest you go with your OWN instincts...maybe you two could have a good relationship one day. good luck!
Reply:Yes, it's wrong to make decisions based on your friends.

Are you seeing anyone right now?

Then go for it, what have you got to loose. It might just be fun.
Reply:Gotta say be your own person.
Reply:well i definitly dont think you should be lowering your standards for this guy...if he's not what you want then dont settle for himm...wait until the guy comes along who you'll have no doubt about and go out with himm =)
Reply:if you really like him go ahead if you dont find another guy.

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