Monday, January 23, 2012

Where does Justin Long have a cameo in Jeepers Creepers 2?

I'd like to know where he is in the movie so I don't have to watch the whole thing.

Where does Justin Long have a cameo in Jeepers Creepers 2?
When the blond girl is sleeping on the bus just fast forward through it.
Reply:i havent seen that movie in a while, but from what i can remember, towards the beginning while in the grassy field. someone dreams about being chased by the creeper, and you see a glimpse of justin long in the long grass. he mentions how every 23rd spring, for 23 days it gets to eat
Reply:mola? who knows

ahah, i have nooo clueee.
Reply:there is a part when the team is on the bus and one of the cheerleaders is having a dream and that's where Justin long appears

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