Monday, January 23, 2012

Anyone heard anything on the possible filming of Jeepers Creepers 3?


Anyone heard anything on the possible filming of Jeepers Creepers 3? Report It
Reply:for christ sake let that movie die already, the first was good, the second plain out sucked, i mean it changed genre it was more like a action movie than horror. what the third one gonna be? Love story? movie is gonna bomb i know it.
Reply:god id better not.
Reply:Writer/director Victor Salva briefly spoke with Fango about the status of the film, where apparently the project wont be happening anytime soon, reportedly thanks to the merger between Sony and MGM.

Since there is no official word on the production of this movie (especially since no script has been written) the status is "in talks".

- Original writer/director Victor Salva has plans to write the script, but no word if he will direct (chances are likely he will).

- Rumor now has it that the plot would take place over 20 years after the events of the second.

- The plot was first rumored to be taken place in western times, which would explain the creepers choice of clothing in the present day.

- This film has been in talks since before the sequel was released back in '03.
Reply:didnt they already film that and release it, i swore i saw ads for it a while ago
Reply:Nope try checking IMDB just search for it
Reply:Supposedly there is going to be a 3rd installment in the Jeepers Creepers series, but there have been a lot of problems and production will be delayed. I read that the story is going to take up 20yrs after the last sequel ended, but the script is still being worked on. The previous plot was rumored to take place in western times. Maybe they might decide to merge the 2 concepts and a lot more background on the creeper will be unveiled. If memory serves me, the creeper's outfit kind of looked a little rustic like he was probably from a western era. It they do it right, it may be pretty interesting. I'm a big fan of the original and wasn't too impressed with the 2nd.
Reply:My girl and i just watched 1 %26amp; 2 this evening we love horror movies and jeepers is one of our favorite,werw watching for the same thing though nothing yet you keep me posted and ill do the same.
Reply:wait, what?
Reply:no but get the info
Reply:i work at the movies but they wont have one untill fall of 07

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