Monday, January 23, 2012

Is there ever going to be jeepers creepers 3?

I hope not.

Is there ever going to be jeepers creepers 3?
As long as it isn't done by the sci-fi channel, I'm all for it. Report It
Reply:And I hope not!
Reply:BETTER NOT!!!!
Reply:there is a listing for it in 2009 on imdb
Reply:That would be cool, but not sure if they will.
Reply:I doubt it, only becuase at the end of 2 we jumped to 23 years later or whatever. I wouldn't mind seeing another one though, I liked those movies!!
Reply:god lets pray not

i watched the 2nd one and was bored beyond bored.
Reply:There are no plans for one at the current time.
Reply:Victor Salva is working on a Jeepers Creepers 3 should come out in 2008.
Reply:I hope so!
Reply:i thought there was??

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