Monday, January 23, 2012

I have never seen the movie Jeepers Creepers and I'm thinking about watching with my guy friend. Is it a good

scary movie or is it really cheesy?? And does this sound like a good choice? Thanks!

I have never seen the movie Jeepers Creepers and I'm thinking about watching with my guy friend. Is it a good
it's a good movie,,it sets up pretty's not the scariest movie out there..for that get Wizard of OZ me the chills.
Reply:its sucked. its totally pointless. wanna see something really creepy? watch a japanese horro flick. like the grudge 2 its ok if u havent seen one it doesnt matter it will still scare the piss up out cha
Reply:its a pretty good movie so go for it i guess..
Reply:I loveee this movie, i am totally not a scary person movie but i lovvee this movie. can't figure it out why tho?

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