I love my snake like i love my dog is this unusual?, Also please my snake snuggles with me a bit and i feel he has a real sweet personality, I am in awe of this snake. I hated snakes and all creepers until my ten year old got elected to adopt this snake for the summer. I bought him and refuse to give back...he is such a sweet reminder to me of how sweet life and love can be....But am i CRAZY....that i love a snake...he is my "dog snake"....he is so personable....any thoughts are welcome....
My little cutie Ball Python?
NOT weird. Many snake owners prefer the term "guardian" or "caretaker". And many don't like the word cage...I don't, I call my corn snake's cage her "room". I think of my snake as my baby! I even call myself her "mommy"! It's normal for you to love your snake the same way you love your dog. It's great that you and he have bonded so well! Yes they do form an emotional attachment to you. Not sure whether to call it love or not, but they do form a strong attachment with the humans in their lives and recognize their "guardians". They are wonderful creatures. Enjoy yours. (Actually, you got into it the way most moms do--the kid gets a snake, and then mom has to help with it, so mom ends up falling in love with snakey!) And if he's attached to you, I don't suggest giving him back to the school. Cause he'll miss you...snakes can miss people, you know. If their guardian dies or can't care for them, they will miss the guardian. I know from experience, I left my snake with a very experienced snake keeper for two weeks when I went on vacation, and she missed me so much, she was constantly looking for me and refused to eat.
Anyway, enjoy your scaly baby! And congragulations on the newest addition to your family! He may be cold blooded and scaly, but he's a family member just the same.
Reply:That is actually good. people should start liking reptiles instead of hating and being scared of them
Reply:I also love snakes to their cute i loved them sence i was 2 years old! my dad brought a snake and he let me keep it and i loved it!
Reply:No, you're not crazy. I love my snakes the same way. Actually, that's putting it mildly. I'm passionate about snakes. They are truly amazing creatures. I don't know what I'd do without my slithery little (and not so little) friends. A lot of people don't realize or believe that snakes have personalities. I have four ball pythons and each one has a distinct personality. My first ball, named Isis, goes with me to ren faires, and a lot of my friends want to steal her from me. One of my friends told me that if a plane should ever fall my head, she gets Isis! She likes to snuggle, too.
Snakes really are fantastic creatures. Aside from my balls, I have a Red Tailed Boa and a Cal King. It's a shame that so many people are so afraid of them. I've make it my personal mission in life to convert as many people as I can to the sensable side! I haven't met anyone yet that I haven't managed to convert. Or more appropriately, that my snakes haven't managed to convert.
Keep on lovin' your snake, I'm sure he appreciates it!
Reply:(I don't like dogs... but...) My snakes are my world. I look forward to coming home to them each night. I'm glad you've found a way to open your heart to a new kind of love. IMO, I love my babies in a completely different way than I love my honey or my patients or whoever else. I'm really happy for you! :)
Reply:You're a goddess!
Reply:I love my turtles like someone would love a dog. There is abusloutley nothing wrong with it and it is good that you have this type of relationship with your snake.
Reply:It's a good thing that u don't see your snake just as snake but like an animal with a true personality,it's like seeing it as a friend of yours which creates a stronger bond between you 2! Take Care!
Reply:I actually find that that is usual. If I had a snake I would love it to.
Reply:i think its sweet
i had the same feelings for my male ball python but i called it my mr sam and i would give him kisses and hugs and would sit with him for hours and i lioved huim but then we got him sexed and we found put he was a she and we had to re name her samantha and i was so up set and now she is still alive and shes gonna have babys because of steve our other ball python and then we got another ball python because steve looked lonly because we moved sam i9nto another tank so she could have her babys we namesd the new one stella and now she gonna have babys but my dad says no maore ball pythons...loll steve is a man whore lol
lol and now i love another snake dragon my 9 foot boa and he is so sweet
but i always love reptiles and all animals
flowers and gifts
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